Nevada Snow Survey Products NV-Snow-Products NV-Snow-Products


The Nevada NRCS Snow Survey and Water Supply Forecasting Program provides mountain snowpack data and streamflow forecasts for the state of Nevada, as well as, the Eastern Sierra Nevada. Applications of snow survey products include water supply management, flood control, scientific modeling, recreation, and conservation planning.

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Screen shot of Water Supply Outlook Report cover
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Latest News, Reports & Forecasts

Current Conditions

Screen shot of interactive SNOTEL graph example


Interactive SNOTEL Charts

Charts for snowpack, precipitation, air temp and soil moisture

  • Basin Summary Charts
  • Individual SNOTEL Charts For help about this product

Screen shot of NRCS Interactive Map


Interactive Map

Displays both current and historic data in an easy-to-use, visual interface. Data types include SNOTEL, snow course, streamflow, reservoir storage, and streamflow forecasts and more.

Picture of streamflow forecast chart example


Streamflow Forecast Charts

Visual representation of streamflow forecast range showing the five exceedance probabilities compared to 30-year normals.For help about this product


Other Forecast Products - Tables, Maps, Unofficial Daily Forecasts

Snow Survey Data*

  • Site Pages:
  • Current and Historic Data Reports
  • Monthly Snow Course Data
  • 30 Year Normals (1991-2020)
  • Metadata
  • SNOTEL Sensor Issues

Water Supply Information

Snow Survey Products


Drought Information

Data Query Tools


Other Resources:


* SNOTEL Data Quality: Snow Survey staff review and quality-control only the daily (midnight) readings from SNOTEL sites. HOURLY DATA, OTHER THAN THE MIDNIGHT VALUES, SHOULD BE CONSIDERED PROVISIONAL AND MAY HAVE SIGNIFICANT ERRORS. The only data that are reviewed at the hourly time step are the soil moisture and soil temperature values. In addition, the extended range air temperature sensors used at SNOTEL sites in the continental U.S. calculate temperature from sensor output voltage using a linear least-squares regression algorithm. It has been determined that the this algorithm has resulted in a data bias. The Snow Survey and Water Supply Forecasting Program is actively working on a correction technique for this issue.  More information: Click Here